There's no doubt that GetResponse has become a real contender when it comes to providing email marketing services. They've come along way to providing all the tools and features needed to build and profit from a email list.
It's a service I've been using more myself these days. And the price can't be beat.
Today I have 12 high quality videos that go in to detail on how to make the most of your GetResponse account.
How to build a list and profit from it.
Video's include:
Talks about GetResponse, it's features and why it can be a good choice for email marketers. Speaker talks about why he believe's it is a better autoresponder service.
Set Up Up Your Autoresponder
Covers how to set up a autoresponder in Getresponse. Step-by-Step video instructions that will help get you up and running quickly. No more frustration of the unknown, it's covered here for you.
Email Opt in Strategy
Goes into detail about an advanced strategy to build a list without even using a website. This can be a perfect set up for offline listbuilding, such as business cards, billboards, ect.
Set up A Web Form (part 1)
On screen walk through on how to create your own web form, so you can get new subscribers on your list.
Set up A Web Form (part 2)
Follows up from the previous video to creating web forms and this one goes into putting the form on your website. Explains how to add the form to a wordpress site.
Setting up a Campaign
Obviously the place to start with Getresponse and this one will explain in detail how to achieve that.
Conversion Rate
If you want to make the most of your email marketing, this is one of the video's you should pay close attention to. It talks about how to keep track of your conversion rate between freebie seekers and buyers, so you cna improve your campaign.
Increasing Your Clicks
Talks about doubling and even tripling the amount of clicks you get to the same size list. A very powerful tactic on this one.
Split Testing Emails
Again, another very important part of getting the moist from your listbuilding and email marketing. It goes in to detail on how you can split test your email messages.
Set up a Newsletter
How to create a newsletter that get's sent out on a specific date and time. Perfect way to build trust and a relationship with your subscribers.
Talks about one of the most important aspects of listbuilding that so many people ignore, but one of the most profitable skill you can learn.
GetResponse Training Webinar Replay
Awesome bonus of over an hours worth of training when it comes to using Get Response effectively and getting the most from your listbuilding and email marketing. Covers the absolute core essentials when it comes to using GetResponse.
Shall we get to it? Check out the videos...
Video 1 - Welcome
Video 2 - Set Up Up Your Autoresponder

Video 3 - Email Opt in Strategy

Video 4 - Set up A Web Form (part 1)

Video 5 - Set up A Web Form (part 2)

Video 6 - Setting up a Campaign

Video 7 - Conversion Rate

Video 8 - Increasing Your Clicks

Video 9 - Split Testing Emails

Video 10 - Set up a Newsletter

Video 11 - Automation

Video 12 - GetResponse Training Webinar Replay