Is it too late to promote Clickbank?

I get this question a lot. I guess people are concerned about Clickbank’s viability as an affiliate marketing program precisely because it has been around for so long. The thinking is that if a brand has been around for so long, then somehow it is overexposed. According to too many affiliate marketers, if you’re promoting a brand that your audience members have pretty much seen for quite some time, they probably are not going to convert.

Well, that’s their opinion. In many cases, a lot of people who think this way did not do all that well with Clickbank. Again, they’re entitled to their opinion, but you have to understand that their opinion is colored by their negative experience. Maybe they just don’t know what they’re doing. Maybe they did not pick the right product to promote. Maybe they targeted the wrong audience.

There are just a million and one things that they could have done wrong, which produced a negative experience. Sadly, they tend to be united in their negative view of Clickbank. In their understanding, when a brand gets overexposed, its ability to convert traffic into cold hard cash goes down quite a bit.

This is not automatic. Please understand that this does not have to be the case. When it comes to Clickbank, oftentimes, this is not the case. How come? Well, most of the time, you’re not promoting the Clickbank affiliate marketing platform in the first place. Most of the time, you’re promoting a product found in their marketplace. You are not promoting the marketplace itself.

Do you see the difference? This is why it’s a good idea to look at Clickbank as a source with a wide niche coverage of affiliate products. That’s all it is. It’s a source of products you can sell, so you can turn your online traffic into cash. If you get asked whether it’s too late to promote Clickbank, you should have a ready answer.

The answer, of course, is no. As long as Clickbank continues to add new products to its roster, you’re in good shape.

Don’t end your analysis here though. Don’t just hop from one product to the next. You have to be more systematic and methodical about product monetization optimization. This increases the likelihood that you’ll identify the small set of CB products that work best with your traffic. In other words, by optimizing product selections, you end up maximizing your products’ conversion rates. Keep scaling up and you’ll be able to convert as much of your existing traffic flow into cold hard cash at an optimal rate.

Product monetization optimization goes a long way in stepping up your Clickbank passive income. If you don’t this, you’ll end up in the same position as too many other CB product marketers. They simply settle for cents on the dollar instead of maximizing their income potential through a tight fit between the products they promote and their traffic volume. Do yourself a big favor and do not settle for mediocre results-you can always do better!

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