Step by Step, Easy To Follow Video's Reveal My Exact...
"Bulletproof Listbuilding System That Sends Me Highly Targeted Visitors, Builds My Buyers List and Sends Me Regular Pay Pal Payments All on 99% Auto Pilot!"
And how YOU can start building your own list of buyers and start seeing those "notification of payment received" emails, in 12 hours or less.
What would you say if I showed you exactly how to set up your very own listbuilding system which works on 99% auto-pilot and sends you regular payments to your Pay Pal account building you a "Rock-Solid" stable online income??
Who would you like to recieve3 regular payments on auto-pilot direct to your Pay Pal account that look like this:
Introducing "Listbuilding Decoded"
The Blueprint for creating a list building system that works like a "Well Oiled Machine"
What Is Listbuilding Decoded?
A blueprint to build your very own list building system that works 99% on Auto-Pilot, building your buyers list and sending payments direct to your Pay Pal account each and every day!
But most importantly how to build an income which is "Google Proof" and stable.
This is a full blown system where I show you exactly how to start building your list Super Fast in as little as 12 hours, how to set up an entire list building system that works 99% on Automatic, building your buyers list, creating you a "Rock Solid" online income which won't be affected by Google updates!
I Have List Building Down to a Science
I have listbuilding down to a perfectly crafted science. I am able to create a Full Blown list building system that cranks out profits and builds my list at lightening speed. Now I am giving YOU the chance to look over my shoulder with my Step by Step videos so you can Copy my EXACT list building system.
Just look at a couple of my campaigns and see for yourself, my squeeze page converted at almost 50%...
Oh and out of those 71 subscribers...
I made 7 sales (this is the power of my system)
When I first started building a list online I struggled bit time and got really frustrated. I found it difficult to:
- Decide the best type of free offer to give away
- Create good squeeze pages that convert
- Know where to go to get high quality traffic
- Understand the best price to pay for it
- Understand how to make money while building a list
Truth is... I wasn't sure if I was even doing it right. But then I started to piece things together. As time went on and after I had failed miserably donzens of times I finally put all the pieces of the puzzle together and now... I am able to build highly responsive and profitable email lists super fast.
My life also became a lot easier once I figured out how to create a list building system which was both profitable and stable.
I spent some time getting there but "oh-boy" was it worth it.
Here's some more auto-pilot payments that I receive from my list building system:
Now I Want To Show You Exactly How To Build Your Very Own List Building System
In Listbuilding Decoded You Will Discover:
- How to build a list on auto-pilot and start making money in 12 hours or less
- How to set up your sales funnel for maximum profits
- The best types of free gifts to give away to build your list
- 1 killer strategy to use in your campaigns which will sky-rocket your profits
- The 3 mistakes that nearly every list builder makes which can sabotage your list building efforts
- Most powerful way to build a list in combination with other sources
- How I get almost 50% conversions on my squeeze pages
- Powerful traffic method for building a highly responsive list super fast
- How to split test and the best tool to use
- 1 thing you must do when using my super traffic method otherwise you are doomed to failure
A step by step PROVEN system for exactly how to create your very own "Rock Solid" proven list building system
And You won't have to worry about these any more:
- Any uncertainty about how to build a list
- Knowing exactly how to use a sales funnel
- Never using useless and worthless traffic methods EVER again
- Worry that the next Google update may demolish your income
- Worry that all your income is from affiliate programs and it's not stable
"What You Will Get with Listbuilding Decoded?"
- 13 video's packed with powerful and proven listbuilding tactics and techniques
That Cover the following:
- Tools you must have
- Sales funnel tactics
- Creating high converting squeeze pages
- Your business building vehicle
- Autoresponder tricks and tips
- How to build your list fast
- Best place to get highly targeted traffic (and buyers)
- Setting up your campaigns
- Easily improve conversions
- Tweaking and tracking your system to get optimal performance
"Who is Listbuilding Decoded For?"
- Any one who wants to build a list fast for maximum profits
- Any one who wants to know how to build a targeted email list fast
- Any one who wants to create a stable income online
- Any one who is fed up worrying about the next google update and want to build a real, stable and profitable online business
- Any one who wants a list to sell their own products
- Any one that want to be led by the hand in step by step video's showing exactly how to set up their own highly profitable sales funnel
- Any one who might be lacking some vital ingredients when it comes to listbuilding
- Any one who is tired of building back links and watching all their SEO work get them no where
This step by step video series is packed full or great strategies, tactics techniques and tips for building your email list.
This information in the right hands literally has the power to change your life and will give you the tools, tactics and tips to start building a list building system which can not only put money in your pocket in as little as 12 hours, but also build you a "Rock Solid" online income for months and years to come.
Let's Get Busy... Video's Are Below...
Video 1 - Tools You Need
Video 2 - Importance of a Sales Funnel

Video 3 - Using One Time Offers

Video 4 - Sales Funnels For 2 Products

Video 5 - Advanced Sales Funnel

Video 6 - High Converting Squeeze Pages

Video 7 - Your Business Vehicle

Video 8 - Setting Up A New AR Campaign

Video 9 - Build Your List Super Fast

Video 10 - Set Up Solo Ad Campaign

Video 11 - Solo Ad Conversions

Video 12 - Split Testing

Video 13 - System Explained