If your Still struggling to make money online when building your list then...
Instantly Discover How To Craft Your Very Own Profit-Pumping Sales Funnel!
That You Can Use To Slam $1-- to $300 Into Your Bank Account Per Day Online.
And how you can start copying my exact underground strategies to profit yourself starting 2 minutes from now...
Let me ask you a question.
Do you really struggle to make money from your sales funnel when building your list?
Do you end up losing money when buying solo ads to build your list and end up felling like this list building stuff is virtually impossible to make money from??
Are you sick to death trying to figure out how to put together a high converting money making sales funnel?
Worst of all... do you feel like banging your head against a brick wall trying to figure out how to create a high converting sales funnel for yourself that makes you money and feel like you're actually getting somewhere?
Don't Worry I Know Exactly How You Feel.
In fact... I use to suck big time when it came to sales funnels and list building.
I spent over 3 years working on my sales funnel because I was damn right fed up (the same as you are) with NOT making sales and getting pathetic conversion rates when i was building my list.
You see... I buy a lot of paid traffic so it's crucial that I have a high converting sales funnel otherwise I will end up going broke.
And that is why I made it my mission to learn exactly what it takes to create a profit-pumping sales funnel.
Here is another thing to consider...
If You Don't Have A High Converting Sales Funnel In Place You Will Go Broke Buying Solo Ads.
If you are reading this then the chances are you lose most of the money that you spend on solo ads when trying to build your list too.
Solo ads are great for building your list fast.
BUT only if you know what your doing.
Here's how it works...
You buy a solo ad.
You Generate subscribers.
But no one buys.
Or you make make the odd sales here or there (if you're lucky) but no where near enough to make back the cost of your solo ad.
This is a big problem.
Does it sound Familiar?
Don't worry you are not alone.
Here's another thing to think about...
They Say "the money is in the list". Nope. That's only part pf the story.
The money is in the sales funnel!
And if you'll allow me to do so, I would like to take you by the hand and help you to create the PERFECT sales funnel, starting today... Right now!
You see most people that are banking healthy profits from their sales funnels when using traffic methods like solo ads never tell you exactly what they are doing.
Well, that is all about to change...
How valuable for you would it be if you could see the exact sales funnel layout you need to be using to profit when building your email list with not only solo ads but ANY traffic method?
Pretty damn valuable right??
I'm going to reveal to you exactly how to set up your own cash pumping sales funnel in the quickest time possible.
I am going to spoon feed you my secret recipe for creating a cash busting high converting sales funnel which has taken me over 3 years of testing and thousands of dollar to develop so you can do this for yourself.
Here's an example of a solo ad that I purchased.
I purchased a 100 click solo ad for $30 and made back $42.50. That is $12.50 in pure profit within 24 hours and I gained lost os new subscribers and buyers at the same time.
So basically I am building my list for free while adding buyers to my email list as well.
Once You Have A Proven Sales Funnel That Converts All You Do IS Send Traffic To Your Squeeze Page And Let Your System Take Over and Make Money, It's That Simple!
Here's What The Video's Below Will Show You:
- How to actually make money when building your email list.
- The perfect sales funnel recipe to use to profit when buying solo ads to build your list.
- Why high opt in rate could be damaging your one time offers sales.
- The X5 types of sales funnels that you need to know to squeeze out big profits when building your list.
- How to create the best type pf squeeze pages so you maximize your one time offer sales and add more buyers to your list.
- The 1 "Super Powerful Tactic" you can use to increase your one time offer conversions (I've been using this for over 3 years).
- The 1 thing you MUST do on your squeeze page otherwise your are going to go broke very quickly.
- The best type of one time offer that converts traffic into cash like gangbusters.
- The i simple tweak I made in my sales funnel that instantly added an extra 15% to my profits.
- The best prices to use for your sales funnel to make more sales.
- How to crank out even more money from your sales funnel (when I included this in my funnel my profits tripled)
- The 1 strategy I use to build a rock solid monthly passive income (include this in your funnel and your monthly profits will skyrocket)
- The little known tactic I use when creating a free offer to increase my OTO sales. This tactic alone will greatly increase your conversions.
- How to crank out insane profits when building your list even if you're just an affiliate.
- The exact sales funnel explained which I now use when building my list with solo ads to profit like crazy.
- Plus Lots more...
Below you will find the 8 quality video's that explain the entire system and 5 mind maps to help you see the entire system.
Let's get to the videos...
Video 1
Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

Video 5

Video 6

Video 7

Video 8